School Resources

  • School Bell Times

    School Hours: 7:55 a.m. – 2:25 p.m. / Wednesdays: 7:55 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.

    At 7:50 a.m. students in grades 2-8 can make their way to their classroom and kindergarten and 1st grade teachers will collect their classes.

    If a student arrives after 7:55 a.m. the student is late, and they will need to go to the office to get a late pass.

    Breakfast begins at 7:35 a.m. Students are allowed into the building at this time.

    If you need to pick up your child early, go to the office and sign them out. It is always helpful to email or call the school 206-252-4084 to let both the teacher and office know your child will be picked up early. This helps them prepare your student for your arrival.

  • Student Supply Lists

    Here are student supply lists by grade. Every year there is a compulsory $35 consumable supply fee, for supplies students use throughout the year, as well as a device fee. You can pay this fee via the Source - School Pay.

    The nurse is also in need of supplies. Please consider donating sweat pants, underwear, socks, hand sanitizer, wipes, and Kleenex.

    If you need help with supplies, the school can help you out. Reach out to Lauri in the office or call 206-252-4080

  • Report an Absence

    Contact the school by email or call 206-252-4084 to report an absence. If you do not contact the school by the time your student is reported absent, the school will call you. Seattle Public Schools Attendance Policy for 2022.

  • Transportation

    Guidelines and eligibilty for SPS transporation.

    Walking and bike routes via the city’s interactive map can be found here.

    Bus routes reported as being 15 min late can be found here.

  • School Meal Program

    This year breakfast and lunch are free for all students at Broadview-Thomson K-8

  • Accessing Special Education Services

    If you need to get your student evaluated for special education services or accomodations please go here to get more information on steps and processes you need to take. These processes can take time so please start the process as soon as possible.

PTA Resources

  • PTA Expense Reimbursement Form

    The PTA can reimburse expenses that enhance the PTA’s goal and mission. To request reimbursement, navigate to our tools page, login, and create a new expense reimbursement request. You will be notified via email as it goes through the approval process.

    If you run into any issues, or have suggestions for improvements, please send an email to

  • PTA Leadership Guides

    As a benefit of affiliation with WSPTA, local PTA and council leaders have access to numerous resources, which include leadership guides, training, governance, recommendations for running a successful PTA and explanations of key roles and responsibilities of board, and chair members. See Washington State PTA Leader Resources for more information..